Studio Legale
Contri Giovannoni


Attorneys and
at Law

Avv. Lorenzo Contri

Mr. Lorenzo Contri, a partner of the Studio Legale Contri since its foundation, was born in Florence on January 27th 1948. He graduated from Florence Law School in April 1971. From January 24th, 1975 he is a member of the Bar Association of Florence. On July 15th 1993 he was admitted to present cases before the Supreme Court of Italy. It is enrolled in the auditors register since its formation (April 1995) and he is currently an auditor in many companies.

Mr. Lorenzo Contri specializes in commercial law, property law and international law. He has been Honorary Counsellor of the British Consulate of Florence for 32 years. In the year 2002 he was bestowed Honorary Officer of the Most Distinguished Order of the British Empire (OBE).

You can contact Mr. Contri by phone at the numbers of the Studio Legale Contri indicated in the home-page of this web site; or by sending an e-mail to the following address: